Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) is a form of Osteopathic Manual Therapy practiced to create wholistic health and pain relief that activates natural healing with touch and without surgery and pharmaceuticals. 

"Myo" is the prefix for muscle. Fascia is the connective tissue web seamlessly protecting, supporting, and connecting all systems, tissues, organs, cells, fluid and structures within the body. 

Fascia is a material of the body that science has recently reinvestigated after discarding in the trash during all dissections involved with labeling the parts of our human anatomy.

 Read more about when the media reported that scientists had "discovered" a "new organ" in 2018.

Watch Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau"s discoveries of our magnificent material! video of live fascia 

The John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach®  focuses on treating the cause of pain rather than just the symptoms. Empowering patient autonomy and body-mind connection throughout the healing process, John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach® acknowledges how the system designed to protect against force, cannot be forced to release. 
Trauma, inflammatory responses, musculoskeletal imbalances and/or surgical procedures create fascial restrictions that can produce pain and tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.)
MFR is a safe, gentle, and effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion, function, balance, flow and strength. 

Each Myofascial Release Treatment session is performed directly on skin without oils, creams or machinery. This enables us to accurately detect fascial restrictions and apply the appropriate amount of sustained pressure to facilitate release of the fascia. The essential “time element,” working with the viscous flow and the piezoelectric phenomenon: a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate.

My use of Myofascial Release in Black Mountain at The Center Within, and in East Asheville at 5th Generation Pilates, allows each patient to be treated as a unique individual. One-on-one therapy sessions are hands-on treatments during which I use a multitude of Myofascial Release and Restorative Movement techniques. I promote client autonomy through education in practicing proper body mechanics, daily Self Myofascial Release, strengthening, flexibility, postural and movement awareness. Treatments include guidance in creating a personalized self care practice to enhance and maintain the benefits of hands on treatment. 
I believe strongly in empowering patient education so that you can take the healing benefits of receiving Myofascial Release in Black Mountain and Asheville, and beyond the table and into your life and can support you with continued care online and in person. 
As people are exploring greater fluidity of movement, wholeness, and healing in Asheville and Black Mountain, they try one-off massaging modalities and often find these coming up short. We might find relief for a moment, but our old aches and pains frequently come back. Why is this? They key to free yourself lies in the layers of fascia, and taking care of your fascia in Asheville and Black Mountain can provide you with so many benefits.

If you've never heard the words "fascia" and this is the first time you are reading about myofascial release therapy...please know...

You are not alone.

When we become aware of fascia, life becomes fascianating 

When I was introduced to Myofascial Release as a patient in 2011, I had been suffering with chronic pain since the age of 18. Not only did this work help me change the way I walk, it changed the ways I talk the talk about how we move, touch, feel, and heal. I  I continue to receive Myofascial Release and have been a practitioner since 2012. Now, at 48 years of age, I feel and move like I am 16 again. Aging is inevitable and adaptability is ageless. When you get to know fascia, life becomes fascianating.

Simple pleasures of life get finer with time, like wine, cheese, me, you, and any body who chooses to age with adaptability instead of "getting old".Myofascial Release makes the difference and could be the missing ingredient to our modern recipe to health and healing.

 Like the Earth, fascia has the ability to freeze and melt, dehydrate and rehydrate, change in shape and be agelessly adaptable Fascia is the agelessly-adaptable, resilient, seamless and soft tissue structure that does the work of  holistically protecting, containing and connecting everything in the body from the inside-out and outside-in. 
Fascia is a specialized material of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider's web, or a sweater. Fibers vary from delicate to tough; fascia is very densely woven, covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as all of our internal organs. 
This seamless and adaptable structure is the distributor of all force, the transportation system of all fluids, and the feedback-giver of information responsible for all movement, sensation and protection of the body, mind and spirit. Like a worldwide web within, fascia is a unifying and organizational structure connecting all of the systems in the body and the environment, the home where our cells live. Autonomically, Fascia responds and reacts to our internal and external environment, continuously solidifying and softening.

Fascia is the fabric of the body that — like the Earth — freezes and melts, rehydrates and dehydrates, adapts, thrives and survives with changes while remaining the same. Throughout our lives, our bodies of water are adapting to be oceanic or statuesque. 

Myofascial Release pulls the weeds entangled in the webs within our internal landscape, and frees the mind, body, and spirit to connect and come home to harmony naturally.

Welcome yourself home to homeostasis, experience Myofascial Release.

Sol means sun, one, soil, ground, softened and fluid 
Sol describes the fluid or oceanic consistency, while gel is the more solidified state of our adaptable fascia. Thixotropy is a property that Fascia and the Earth share in being able to continuously change from a sol or fluid state into a "gel" or solid state and vice versa. Fascia is the container of our bodies of water and continuously changes in hydration levels, consistency, shape, and state.

The Autonomic Nervous System is divided into the Sympathetic (fight/ flight/freeze mode) and Parasympathetic (rest and digest mode). The Sympathetic Nervous System is triggered by a perceived threat from the body's internal or external environment into tensing and protecting. This is the duty of our fascia: to instantaneously solidify, harden and become more "gel" to protect our whole being, body, mind and spirit when trauma occurs in our conscious and subconscious layers.. The Parasympathetic mode helps us to recover by signaling the need to rest and digest, relax, release and soften tension from being sympathetic, fascia returns to a "sol" state and harmony in homeostasis. 

If you're looking to harness your Solbody, exploring myofascial release in Asheville, there are three ways you can schedule:

Schedule onlineemail [email protected], or text / call: 484.472.3626.


Your body tells your story.

Master the art of healing 

communicating with the languages of your body as a guide for your daily self care for living a pain free life.

Resting body and mind while awake makes a world of love for you, and that makes love for the world.

Unlock the codes to healing yourself through your senses.

Movement and touch are universal languages of the body we originally taught ourselves to speak.

Posture, gait, movement, and body language are our unique expressions of our life experiences, and our self-healing tools. 

My approach to movement is a mindful practice of making the most of everyday movements in order to promote subconscious postural corrections and whole body health. 

Rediscover the universal languages of movement, breath, and touch.
 I am honored and excited to share this work with you! 

Solbody Movement and Myofascial Bodywork
in Asheville and Black Mountain, North Carolina

Book Your Appointment

Schedule through Emily 484.472.3626 [email protected] 



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